MMA & Grappling Tip #3 How to improve quicker


How to improve quicker

It’s possible to improve your skills through both competitive fighting and by only training .

Improvement is gained by analysing your skills and techniques against your sessions / performance or by getting vital feedback from your training partners and coaches.

Win lose or draw, look at what weaknesses are present in your game, what strengths can be improved and focus your training on closing any gaps in your knowledge.

To gain experience applying what you know, I recommend competing in low level tournaments early in your journey. This gives an understanding of what needs addressed in your game that can be hard to replicate in training.

Competing quickly weeds out what you don’t know well enough, what you didn’t even think about until the match was over and what you know well enough to apply.

I found competitive fighters progressed quicker as they get vital feedback due to any weaknesses exposed.

At training it’s usually not as intense and easier to rely on your strengths, to take advantage of your partners weaknesses as you are more comfortable with their game.

Whether you chose to compete or not, here is a few tips on how to analyse your sessions/ performance.

  • What did you do well?
  • What did your opponent do well?
  • What didn’t work?
  • What could have you taken advantage of but didn’t see until it was over?
  • What didn’t you opponent take advantage off?
  • What were the strategies used to win or lose the match?
  • What big weaknesses need addressed?

This gives a very clear path to focus your training dor improving any areas that have been identified.

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