Protein for weight loss #2-22 Reduce Hunger and Improve Weight-Regulating Hormones with Protein

Reduce Hunger and Improve Weight-Regulating Hormones with Protein:


Yesterday, we talked about how protein can boost your metabolism, today we're going to talk about how eating more protein can help to reduce hunger and improve weight-regulating hormones.

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to losing weight is dealing with constant hunger and cravings. But protein can help curb those cravings by keeping you feeling full and satisfied for longer.

As protein is the most satiating macronutrient that keeps you feeling full and satisfied for longer. This is because protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates or fats, and it also triggers the release of hormones in the body signalling fullness and satisfaction.

One of these hormones is called ghrelin, referred to as the "hunger hormone." When you eat protein, it helps to reduce ghrelin levels signalling that your are feeling full.

Another hormone protein helps regulate is leptin, referred to as the "satiety hormone." Leptin is responsible for signalling to the brain you're feeling full and satisfied.

So eating more protein can help reduce hunger by releasing hunger and satiety regulating hormones and helps keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer.

So stay tuned! for post 3 in our mini series where we'll be talking about another great benefit of eating more protein.

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