Tight Hamstrings & Hip Release - Warmup #1

 Do you have tight hips🙋‍♀️

Try these dynamic movements exercises before your workout. They are designed to help stretch your hamstrings easing the tightness over the hips.

Dynamic stretches are used to move in and out of your end ranges of movement in a controlled manner and have been proven to be more effective than static stretching prior to exercising.

Dynamic movements should mimic the exercises or include the muscles / joints you will be using in your workout.  This in turn helps prime the body and joints prior to exercise more effectively than static stretching.

Static stretching is best performed at the end of your sessions. As it can negatively affect performance. Static stretching is great for recovery and building long term flexibility.

A combination of both types of stretching is best, dynamic movements to prime the body without loss of performance and static stretches at the end of your workouts to help with recovery and long term flexibility.


  • 5mins cycle/walk/xtrainer

Dynamic Warmup - 3 x 10reps

  • 1️⃣ Hamstring Clock Stretch
  • 2️⃣ Single Leg Toe Touch
  • 3️⃣ Hamstring Reach Stretch
  • 4️⃣ 90/90 Rotation

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